Readers and Supporters

Tuesday, February 26

Music listening now;

and then select your ten favourite tracks from any of the discs

Best Album title

1st and Gold Star goes to Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
2nd Angels and Demons
3rd Spartacus

Monday, February 25

Best Band Name for Authors

1st Lovecraft Gold Star
2nd Tolkein
3rd Asimov

we are now voting for the best album title

Feb listened to LP's by Yuri

 picked up in a charity shop for £1:50
Cleethorpes record fayre £1!

Saturday, February 23

The best back cover is;

Winner - angels and demons GOLD STAR
Runner up - a planet called treason
Third - do androids dream of electric sheep

next vote is for best ( as in most Proggy) artist/band name...

Tuesday, February 19

secon half and the voting begins (best front cover)

Lovecraft - Misery
Turtledove - Angels and Demons
Rice-Burroughs - A Space Odyssey
Tolkein - Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?  

First half of the front covers for 'Authors'.

Blyton - Five Go Mad in Dorset.
Asimove - The End of Eternity.
King's Armour - Spartacus.
Scarrow - A Planet Called Treason.

Joannne and Igor share the Gold Star for guessing who created which....

The four they got right were;
Mirol's team - Willycanthrope
Yuri's team - Skeletongue
Zee's team - Traffiction
Ghu's team - Genderogatory
the other three were;
Martin's team - Alloyster
Dennis' team - Globeetle
Dawn's team - Impudentist.
So with fused conclude here is the current state of the Gold Star Table

 Lisa - 3.5
Pure, Rik, Sally - 3.

M. Whitehouse, Bethune, Mr. Splinders, Vornik, Ghu, Arcadia - 2.5

Zee, Ty, Mirol, Dvacetpet, Muriel, Vlad, Estar, Valentine - 2.

Dennis, Dawn - 1.5

Rjupa, Godewyn, Pablo, Bear, Sydney -1.

Joanne, Igor - 0.5

Onslo, Captain Hosponde', Eldegai, Varo - 0.25

Saturday, February 16

Onslo, Captain Hosponde', Eldegai, and Varo share a star

Onslo, Captain Hosponde', Eldegai, and Varo all tied with 3 correct teams each. They share a Gold Star. Their selection covered 5 of the teams who were;
Yuri - Arcadia
Mirol - Pure
Ty - Zee
Vornik - Dawn
Mr Splinders - Ghu
the ones they did not get between them were;
Martin - Lisa
Dennis - Bethune

now we want you to vote for which team made which disc, winner gets a Gold Star or shres with other winners

Friday, February 15

Who fused with whom?

contributors were;

Arcadia, Bethune, Dawn, Ghu, Lisa, Pure, Zee.

Dennis, Martin, Mirol, Mr. Splinders, Ty, Vornik, Yuri.

each team consisted of one guy and one gal, see who can put them together?

Our top ten track titles for fusing

Fusing top ten tracks;

1. Quick Nurse; the Screens! Gold Star

2. Throattack

3. Holding Nothing For Ever

4. Dancentre

5. Compassion of the Insect

6. Dark is the Night

7. Washands in Emberlin

8. Winterritory

9. The Hurt and the Hunger

10. from the Bowels of Purgatory

Wednesday, February 13

Winner of best band name for fused

Gold Star goes to 'Discogitations'. Most of you realised it is the fusing of four words!!
Disc, Cog, Disco and Cogitations, brilliant, a worthy winner.
2nd - Fluxurious
3rd - Gasparin

ten best tracks is next and keep the speedy votes coming or you will get a reminder from me on your email!!!

Tuesday, February 12

result of best back cover vote

Gold Star goes to Globeetle
2nd Traffiction
3rd Willycanthrope

so now we vote for the best disc/CD title.

Monday, February 11

Sunday, February 10

best front cover vote for "fused"

Gold Star 1st place - Genderogatory
2nd - Traffiction
3rd - Willycanthrope

we are now voting for the best artist/band name

Saturday, February 9

The Administration team for the next 12 months is;

Tiresias Thebes
Zara Haken
Muriel Volesque

Thank you to those who voted for me. If you have any thoughts of how to improve or alter the blog, or ideas for a theme please address them by email to one of the administrators.
Yuri remains on the board as the blog author, but no longer votes on policy or administration, so please only email him on persoanl matters in the future.

Friday, February 8

Voting for the next year's administrators...

Time to elect the administrator's for the next 12 months.
please vote for your three choices from the following candidates
Rik; Ty; Fen; Muriel; Zee; Konrad
once 15 memebers have voted we will announce the new admin team of three for the next year.

Thursday, February 7

The best front cover vote for "fused".

Willycanthrope - Ragnarok and Roll.

Traffiction - Gaspirin

Skeletongue - Discogitations

Impudentists - Metalisman

Globeetle - Skinetic 

Genderogatory - Musickle

Alloyster - Fluxurious

Bang up to date GOLD STAR table

Pure, Rik, Sally, Lisa - 3.

Bethune, M. Whitehouse, Zee, Ty, Mirol, Dvacetpet, Muriel, Vlad, Mr. Splinders, Ghu, Estar, Vornik, Arcadia, Valentine - 2.

Rjupa, Dawn, Godewyn, Dennis, Pablo, Bear, Sydney -1.

Who was the most Shakespearean?

Congratulations to Sydney for her first GOLD STAR she got 6 discs correctly, guessing who made which, here are her answers;
Yuri - Fool.
Valentine - Valentine.
Ty - Duke of York.
Fen - Cymbeline.

Martin - Fabian.
Konrad - Casca
the ones she did not get were;
Arcadia - Goth.
Bethune - Donalbain.
Pablo - Messenger.
Bear - Simpcox.

latest Gold Star table to be posted almost at once

Tuesday, February 5

The Best Shakespearean Track

top ten tracks

1. With a Hey Nonny-nonny. GOLD STAR

2. Corridor of Whispers.

3. Falling Apart at the Seams.

4. Blood and Glory.

5. Son Of York.

6. The Chalice from the Palace.

7. Pity the Living, Kill the Dead.

8. Night of the Witches.

9. The Great Minstrel and His Piece.

10. Herald.

SO we reach the last vote in the Shakepeare theme, who made which disc. Here are the contributors;
Arcadia, Bear, Bethune, Fen, Konrad, Martin, Pablo, Ty, Valentine, Yuri.

Sunday, February 3

Two Winners two GOLD STARS

best CD title

1st The Measure of My Wrath/Red Master GOLD STARS

3rd Most Savage and Unnatural

pick your top ten tracks, in order, next please