Readers and Supporters

Friday, June 28

Ten selected tracks for IBTC

Gold Star winners are:-
Topsey Kretts
"Do Ya Punk?"

rest are
A Fistful of Euros
10th Duke of Chalfont
As Much Gold as you could Eat
Graveyard Into Never
Last Man on Earth
First Man On The Earth

SO; the hard one; Who made Which Album
teams are;   Arcadia,   Ariana/Vornik,   Bethune/Sjandor,   Dvacetpet/Konrad,   Fen,   Ghu,   Igor/Vlad,   Lisa/Yuri,   Orlando/Rjupa,   Pure/Sydnie,   Sally/Mirol,   Ty,  Valentine,   Zee.

Wednesday, June 19

Best Album title for IBTC

Gold Star - Kind Hearts and Coronets
2nd - Sin City
3rd - Land of the Dead

please now select your ten best tracks from any album, top three will each get a star.

Sunday, June 16

Best Band name for the IBTC theme.

Gold Star - Eight Legged Freaks
2nd - Keyser Soze/Dr Strangelove

please vote now for best album title.........

When the Leopard Hunts - Wilbur Smith.

Yuri writes; "Easy to see why it became a best seller, thoroughly recommended".

Wednesday, June 12

best back cover

1st - GOLD STAR - I, Robot
2nd - The Thing
3rd - Keyser Soze'

now vote for the best Band/artist name.

Saturday, June 8

Back cover vote starts now

Please note Dirty Harry was late entering and so their front cover was not shown.
The Institute is once again disqualified for not adhering to the outline.

Tie for top spot gold star shared

Apocalypto and Braveheart share the top spot and the GOLD STAR for the best front cover
3rd Keyser Soze

Thursday, June 6

Inspired by the Cinema

The brief for this theme was; band name and title to be cinema inspired. Covers to be abstract.

please vote for your three favourites in order of preference.
 nb The Institute is disqulified from this vote by order of the administrators, the reason being that it is not abstract.

Third competition's early leaders

2013 - 05 - 13


Bethune, Valentine, Dawn, Martin - 1
Igor, Vladimir, fen, ghu - 0.5
Rik, Gabriel, Pablo - 0.3'

Martin, how do you do it? (He wins the who made what yet again)

Gold Star to Martin for getting  7 correct they were:-
martin/arianna - T. Rex,
fen/ghu - Vangelis,
eldegai - Gentle Giant,
lisa/yuri - Genesis,
ty/muriel - Dream Theatre,
rik/gabriel/pablo - Hawkwind,
zee/dvacetpet - Tangerine Dream,
the ones he missed were:-
orlando/konrad - Pink Floyd,  pure - Beatles,  sjando/george - Jimi Hendrix,  igor/vlad - Camel,  bethune - Alan Parson's Project,  sydney/xyL - Emerson, Lake, Paslmer & Howe,   bozena/blanka - Free,  valentine/dawn - Alquin.

New Gold Star table to follow

Saturday, June 1

Ten best tracks for tnba

the fabulous city at world's end
totally without logic
novus orbis regionum

astra diastra
aunty myrtle passes her bar exam
jurssic spark
push me pull me
travelling through vacuum

so the final round, who made what?
Here are the teams; bethune;   bozena/blanka;    eldegai;     fen/ghu;   igor/vladimir;   lisa/yuri;    martin/arianna;   orlando/konrad;   pure;    rik/gabriel/pablo;   sjandor/george;    sydnie/xyL;   ty/muriel;     valentine/dawn;        zee/dvacetpet: