Readers and Supporters

Saturday, September 14

Who made which disc and what is the language

Extra chances this time, as usual you are asked who made which disc, but also if you know the language it was in, you get additonal points, entry with most right answers gets the star of course.
The teams this time around were;
bozen/blanka,   estar,   gurt/rjupa,   lisa/yuri,   mirol/sally,      muriel,   valentine,   ty,   vlad/igor,  
xyL,   zee/martin.
goodluck everyone.


Top Ten Tracks for Europrog

Gold Star - Palace of the Future
Gold Star - Lord of Flies
Gold Star - Fashion is not a Whiteout
Field of Distortion
Weird Notes in Cornwall
The Mirralon
Jester and Asker
Black Sound
A Murder in the City

Saturday, September 7

Best Album Title in Europrog

Gold Star - Bosco Sacro
2nd - Pozytywne Negatywne
3rd - Zwarte Geluid

Ten best tracks next please in order, top three get a gold star each